土烘干機主要適用于針對烘干粘土,石膏和粘性比較強的物料專門設計的烘干機。采用先進粘土烘干技術生產的粘土烘干機結構合理,運行穩定,操作簡單,耐磨耐用,熱利用率更高,干燥效果更好。【本設備不但可以用于烘干粘土,還可用于用烘干土,是一種多用途烘干設備??蓪Ω苫焐皾{、黃沙、水泥廠礦渣、粘土、煤矸石、混合料、粉煤灰、石膏、鐵粉等原料的烘干,廣泛用于建材、化工、鑄造等行業。粘土烘干機Clay dryer or clay drying machine is a specially designed dryer mainly used for drying clay, plaster and viscous materials. Clay dryer uses advanced lay drying technology with reasonable structure, stable operation, simple operation, wear durability, higher thermal efficiency and better drying effect.Clay dryer can be used in the drying of mix mortar, sand, cement slag, clay, coal gangue, mixture, coal ash, gypsum, iron powder and other raw materials, it is widely used in building materials, chemical, foundry and other industries.粘土烘干機性能特點1、高效揚料板的組合,提高了物料和熱空氣的交換效率,加速了烘干速度。2、粘土烘干機采用高效沸騰爐加熱,進一步提高水分的蒸發強度。3、粘土烘干機產量比一般烘干設備相比,提升一倍的產能。4、投資省,烘干機械運轉和維修費用低,勞動生產率高,并要考慮到勞動條件和環保,生產成本要低。粘土烘干機工作原理濕物料由皮帶輸送機或斗式提升機送到料斗,然后經料斗的加料機通過加料管道進入加料端。加料管道的斜度要大于物料的自然傾角,以便物料順利流入干燥器內。烘干機圓筒是一個與水平線略成傾斜的旋轉圓筒,物料從較高一端加入,載熱體由低端進入,與物料成逆流接觸,也有載熱體和物料一起并流進入筒體的,隨著圓筒的轉動物料受重力作用運行到較底的一端。濕物料在筒體內向前移動過程中,直接或間接得到了載熱體的給熱,使濕物料得以干燥,然后在出料端經皮帶機或螺旋輸送機將成品送出。粘土烘干機Wet materials are sent into hopper through belt conveyor or bucket elevator, and sent into feed end through feeding pipe of feeder hopper. The slope angle of the feeding pipe should be larger than the natural inclination of the materials in order to make the materials smoothly flow into the dryer. The dryer cylinder is a rotating cylinder with slight incline to the horizontal line. The materials are sent from the higher end and the heat-carrying agents are sent from the lower end to be countercurrent contact with the materials. Some heat-carrying agents and materials flow altogether into the end of the barrel with the gravity effect as the rotation of the cylinder. In the process of moving forwardness in the barrel, the wet materials are directly or indirectly gained the heat of the heat-carrying agent and be dried, then the discharge end discharges finished products through belt conveyor or screw conveyor.
振動篩 http://www.kypsj.net
鄂式破碎機 http://www.esssj.com/cp.htm
節能球磨機 http://www.0371mqg.com/
顎式破碎機 http://www.esssj.com/
反擊式破碎機 http://www.zkposuiji.com/fjcspsj.htm
制砂生產線 http://www.zkzsj.com/
選礦設備 http://www.xkpsj.com/
復合破碎機 http://www.0371pfl.com
圓錐破碎機 http://www.zkposuiji.com/
加氣混凝土 http://www.hnzhongke.net/
制砂生產線 http://www.fuheposuiji.com.cn/
陶瓷球磨機 http://www.henanqiumoji.com
加氣混凝土設備 http://www.xkps.com
鄂式破碎機 http://www.zzsszz.com
石灰回轉窯 http://www.snhzy.com
制砂機設備 http://www.jqzjx.com
河南中科 聯系人:李經理